Tomorrow is the last day of elections for the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa.
Lets all face some facts here: if you haven't voted yet, odds are you don't really care who gets elected. If you cared that much you would have voted already. Tomorrow you're going to see candidates running around telling people to vote for them in a last minute attempt to clinch the election. I recommend you do what they say.
Allow me to explain:
A good work ethic is probably at least as important as a good platform for a member of student government, and what better way to test work ethic than a frantic race around campus, petitioning undecideds? So if you have no knowledge of any of the platforms, just vote for whoever gets to you first. If nothing else, at least we can have a hard working student government.
What's the point of elections if the Board of Administration overrides the student's decisions? The administration at this school does not respect the democratic integrity of the SFUO nor the integrity of the students who voted in this election, when they replace an elected candidate with someone that they favour. The actions of the BOA are a disgrace to the reputation of the University of Ottawa and I sincerely hope they will consider the student body the next time they attempt to bully our elected representative.