Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Canada doesn't need its Senate

Welcome to part 1 of my indefinite part series: Why we don't need the Senate.

This month, Senator Andree Champagne attacked Vietnamese born MP Eve-Mary Thi Lac by questioning her loyalty to Canada.  Champagne then went on to be quoted in the Toronto Sun saying she was proud of being "a pure French Quebecer - see my geneology."

This is absolutely ridiculous.  I think the important thing to draw from this is that no elected government official could possibly get away with being so offensive.  Today's reason we don't need a senate?  They aren't held accountable for the ridiculous things they sometimes say and/or do.

Funny side note: When the Sun tried to reach Champagne for comment they couldn't because she was on vacation.  She's a Senator, of course she's on vacation!

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