Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dear Environmentalists,

I'm an environmentalist in the sense that I believe we need to protect our ecosystems and institute measures to fight climate change.  I am not an environmentalist, however, in the sense that I don't hate every climate related proposal ever proposed.  What this article and countless others like it tell me is that the majority of "environmentalists" will fight for any cause they can think of a catchy slogan for.  "It makes our environment a commodity to be bought and sold" they say.  If they thought about it for more than several seconds they would realize that without cap and trade agreements like this, the environment is FREE for corporations to pollute.  No costs or anything.  No one who wishes to be taken seriously can simultaneously argue that a) corporations are only interested in money, and b) corporations will continue to pollute even if polluting incurs costs, and yet 90% of people who consider themselves environmentalists argue just that.  Its this kind of logic that really de-legitimizes the environmentalist movement.  There are too many problems out there to waste time fighting the solutions.

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